Thought! The very soul of speech and the major manipulator of this universe is, unfortunately, not given its due importance in this human world. The world where physical establishment is the essence of the proof of its existence or the feel of intangible structure enveloping and affecting us through our sensory organs is superior form of logic that makes us believe. All we could think from our limited conscious mind is right! Is it really so?
I am not challenging the credibility of the physical or logical belief of our world, rather I am more fascinated about the next level. Sure, this universe has more ways of giving us what we want but all that comes with a price! The price is the liberty of our thoughts! With the leisure of so many electronic gadgets we use and with so much to do, do we really have the freedom of thought?
The basic thing that we forget is "our thought determines our destiny"! With plethora of science fiction imagination of advanced technology, can we really comprehend or imagine what the world was 5000 years ago! We have all the freedom in this world, but do we really have the freedom of free thinking? Can any of us fathom the power a thought has?
I have undertaken several experiments to calculate the effects of intangibles and measure the effects of thought! The results were quite surprising! The people with positive thinking, the problem was most initially, but later on, they had little or no problem at all! The people with mixed feelings were the unluckiest ones. They never made a decision from their mind and were always led by the situational direction. The people with negative thinking were, surprisingly, most successful initially! But they had no growth. They did not feel the pain of not achieving their goals but they did not have any problems in their life. Even if they had, they did not realise it or feel it!
The only, as we call it, logical conclusion I could derive was that positive thinking is like Ayurveda, benefits a lot in long term and has no side, effects! Pessimism or negative thinking like allopathy where the cure was immediate but not self sustaining or not without side effects!
Can we really change our world with our thoughts! Can we really measure the effects of our thoughts? We are living in the darkness of our thoughts while the sunrise is only hours away!