The big question was scared of what?
I don't know! But did I really wanted to find out? No! That's when this thought struck my mind. Being a curious person, I started thinking about why I was not so curious of what I really did fear!
I started out asking people. I was not alone! Every one around me had this problem! But why all of us were so afraid to find out what exactly are we afraid of?
I finally found out the reason! Why? Because, we are scared! Scared of What? Scared of even thinking about something that sends a chill down the spine! Its common to most of us. In fact people who are not scared are not really normal.
The Reason is simple! We are scared to think, to imagine or to even picturise it in our minds. The sudden horrible surprise haunts us all. The Death haunts us all! Death of ourselves or some loved ones. Knowing we have done something wrong in our past haunts us all! Death haunts us all! Truth, if its not sweet, haunts us all!
But all these thoughts come to us when we are alone! Feeling lonely, unoccupied with work or depression makes us think bad things! Mathematically speaking, thinking about probability and results of happening of bad events! The Horrible sounds are add-ons! The unfamiliar scary noises or music makes our mind to think and our feelings react! The reactions are so terrible that we feel as if somebody has just took our heart! That's why we skip a heartbeat and we feel that skip! Sometimes, our mind plays tricks with us that forces us to imagine wild and unpleasant things! Often one thought leads to another thought and this chain of thoughts go into a direction we hate the most!
Some of us love being scared for a while because they know sub consciously, the end would be soul touching pleasing or may be fake as in horror movies!
But when we are with our loved ones having fun and not lonely, depressed or unoccupied with some activity, we don't even think about it! It purely depends on the state of our mind!
The true strength and courage lies in TRUTH an not manipulative web of lies. It is when we can overcome this fear of fear and live with the truth, nothing else will matter! A belief in good results in fear of bad and vice versa! Don't we all love the mistake of falling in love again believing that our heart will not be broken again! That's faith and this leap of faith make's this world a wonderful place to live!